Real Estate Team Website
The website is aim to help Peggy Chen real estate team to market themselves, and get more clients.
Sketching, prototyping, user testing, project management
Sketch, Wix
Design Question
How to market the real estate team and get more potential client ?
Identify the main requirements of the client
After talking with the client and get their requirement. They want the the website can help them promote their team and help them get more buyers. Based on that, we identify the final five main part of the website: the team introduction part, the contact us part, the listings of the team, the testimonials part, and the event part. At the same time, they need a logo that can represent the mission of the team: Help the new immigration find their home with their heart.
Based on their requirements for the logo: Help the new immigration find their home with their heart. I finally design three different style. As the team belong to the Legend Real Estate & Finance, the color of the team logo is the same with the color of the company logo.

The Company Logo

The Team Logo #1
Help you find a home with all my heart

The Team Logo #2
We listen, we understand

The Team Logo #3
We are here to lead you home
After discussing, we choose the third logo. As this logo can emphasize the warm heart of the team and the key to success of the business.
Design Decisions
Card & List View
To organize information in an easily digestible way, we decided to use cards and lists design. Card allows flexibility for different types of information and can be quickly applied to many pages on website.

Identify the main page
As the main function of the page is to promote the team and help the team get more clients. We finally identify five pages of the website: the home page, the team page, the listing page, the event page, the contact us page.

Identify content of each page
From the requirements, the five main part of the website- the team introduction part, the contact us part, the listings of the team, the testimonials part, and the event part, need to be included in the website. Based on thte function of each page, we finally identify the content of each page as below:
Our Mission
Home page
Our Service
Latest Event
Contact Us
Latest Listings
Team member Introduction
Team page
Our Service
Listing page
Our Service
Event Page
Contact Us
Contact page
Our Service
Visual Design
Style Guide
The branding color is accordance with the company's branding color - Red. We wanted the website to be inclusive and attract home buyers and sellers.
Banner 1 a - Impact 26
Banner 2a - Open Sans 22
Headers 1 - Open Sans 28
Banner 3a - Proxima Nova 20
Paragraph 1 - Open Sans 16
Headers 1 - Open Sans 18
Paragraph 2 - Open Sans 14
Banner 3b - Helvetica Light 16